Ethiopia Ignores Egyptian Warnings on Nile
Parliament endorses agreement refuting Egypt’s claims on Nile River
June 18, 2013
U.S. Official Concerned Weapons May Go to Al-Nusra
Covert U.S. military aid likely to boost al Qaeda-dominated rebels in Syria
June 18, 2013
Krauthammer Slams Obama's Syrian Policy: Worse Than Doing Nothing
'You're either serious about intervention or you aren't'
June 17, 2013
Electric Cars Need Subsidies to Be Competitive
CBO analyst: it would take approximately $12,000 in tax credits to achieve parity now
June 17, 2013
Hold on New START
House votes to limit implementation of New START arms pact with Russia
June 17, 2013
Restrictions on Religion Growing in Middle East
Panel discusses growing religious intolerance in the Middle East and American apathy
June 17, 2013
Middle East Analysts Unsure of Rowhani’s Role
Experts divided on whether he will serve as reformer or Khamenei ally
June 17, 2013