Police Commissioner: 'Proud to Be A Boston Police Officer'

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis praised all law enforcement and first responders for their work to keep the city safe, solve the Boston Marathon bombings and find the suspects, saying they made him "proud to be a Boston police officer" Friday night.

"I got to see what the Boston police officers who responded to the scene along with the medical personnel and other first responders did to put people back together," he said. "Stemming the bleeding with their hands. Putting a man who was on fire out with their hands. These are the kind of things that came out of this savagery. Makes me proud to be a Boston police officer. Makes me proud to be a part of this team."

Davis also offered admiration for the spirit of Boston's citizens during a trying week, which included the city being locked down Friday while the police sought to apprehend second bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He was captured alive Friday night after a day-long manhunt ended in Watertown. His brother and fellow suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed overnight in a shootout with police.

"The citizens of this city have been incredible," Davis said. "They've been patient with us. They've endured an enormous amount of heartache and aggravation over the last four days. We're very happy to try to put this back together."

Full press conference:

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