Former President Barack Obama broke every modern record for commuting sentences during his presidency, according to a new report from the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
The report states Obama made 1,928 grants of clemency during his presidency, more than any president has made since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Of the grants of clemency, 1,716 were commutations of sentence, which is more than the amount granted by any other president.
Former President Lyndon B. Johnson came closest to Obama's numbers, granting 226 commutations, The Washington Examiner reported. Former President George H. W. Bush granted only three sentence commutations during his time in office.
A presidential commutation is a form of clemency granted by presidents for federal crimes, and results in the reduction of a sentence. In comparison, a presidential pardon is a form of clemency that results in forgiveness of a sentence.
It was also a goal of Obama’s to grant the most full pardons; however, he did not succeed in reaching that goal, according to the Examiner. Near the end of his term, Obama actively tasked a group to find cases for him to consider.