Gutowski Discusses Attempting to Shoot Every Gun at SHOT Show on NRA TV

February 8, 2017

Stephen Gutowski, staff writer at The Washington Free Beacon, joined Colion Noir on NRA TV Wednesday. During his appearance Gutowski discussed his attempt to fire every weapon at SHOT Show, an annual trade show.

"It was very exhausting, I think that's a fair assessment. But I mean when you are shooting that many guns, it was worth it really. It was fun," Gutowski explained. "It was all the latest guns too, that's the other thing, it's all the industry's stuff they brought out to show off."

The number of guns on display was underestimated. "I probably underestimated how many guns are actually at range day at SHOT show," Gutowski admitted. "There are something like 200 exhibitors there. After trying I'm not sure that its physically possible to shoot all of those guns."

"Yeah, like I said, media day for SHOT show is essentially a carnival for guns. Literally you go there and you have to stand in line," Noir agreed.

Gutowski steered the conversation towards his strategic approach for completing the task. "With the goal I tried to strategically skip the ones that had long lines and come back to them later."

The line for KRISS USA was the longest line, leading Gutowski to save their firearms for last he said.

After discussing a variety of the guns Gutowski was able to fire and his lack of preparedness when it came to hearing protection, the conversation shifted back to the massive undertaking of attempting to fire every weapon at the exhibition.

"I want to take on that task of trying to shoot all the guns and trying it. I'm just not that ambitious. I just don't see that happening, I mean that's massive!" Noir stated.