ANCHOR: Toledo just one of a hundred of other cities--hundreds of cities--with protests at this hour.
ANCHOR: The rally is over the government’s mandate forcing religious institutions to make birth control available to workers.
REPORTER: Well, people from all over have come here to Lucas County courthouse for this rally. We’re talking about people from state to state are gathering at courthouses for a rally with the theme "Stand up for religious freedom. Stop the HHS mandate." They are opposing the new mandate for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that requires all employers to provide free contraceptives through their health plans. The plan has people outraged. While the Diocese of Toledo is not behind today’s rally, they’re supporting the effort and Bishop Blair who’s been outspoken about his opposition. He is expected to speak here downtown at some point today. Now those folks who disagree with these protesters say the real impact of this debate is on women’s health not their religious beliefs. Now Planned Parenthood is also in favor of President Obama’s plan.