Mitchell: Democratic Convention Will Try to Show Clinton Is 'Not The Demon' Republicans Think She Is

July 21, 2016

NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell said Thursday that next week's Democratic National Convention will try to show Hillary Clinton is "not the demon" Republicans characterize her as.

"After today, Hillary Clinton gets her turn planning a convention designed to prove that she is not the demon the Republicans have been portraying all week," Mitchell said on Today.

Republicans indeed have been highly critical of Clinton at their convention. Mitchell apparently thought criticism of Clinton for her email scandal, low honesty numbers, handling of Benghazi,  foreign policy record and embrace of President Obama's unpopular policies amounted to likening her to a demon.

"Republicans spent more time this week trying to demonize Hillary Clinton than praise Donald Trump," Mitchell said. "Democrats say they are going to try to strike a different tone next week."

Clinton has called Trump the most dangerous candidate for president in American history. The convention next week will likely hit similar themes as the Democratic Party tries to build the case against their opponent, just as Republicans sought to do this week with Clinton.

Published under: Andrea Mitchell