This Woman Is Supporting Bernie Sanders Because She Thinks He'll Die in Office

'He's old, he won't be in there long and whoever his vice president is would take over'

April 25, 2016

A Baltimore woman interviewed by MSNBC on Monday had an interesting reason to support Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) in the Maryland Democratic primary: his advanced age.

After her friend made the case for Hillary Clinton, host Thomas Roberts turned to the Sanders fan to ask for whom she was voting.

"I think I'm going to go with Bernie," she said.

"For Bernie. OK, why?" Roberts asked.

"Because he's old, he won't be in there long, and whoever his vice president is would take over," she said, as her friend laughed.

Sanders is the oldest candidate among the five major people left running at 74 years old, but he has not shown any sign of slowing down on the campaign trail.

Published under: 2016 Election