Lincoln Chafee Admits He Didn't Know What He Was Voting for on Glass-Steagall

October 13, 2015

Lincoln Chafee, at the bottom of the polls in the Democratic primary, crumbled when asked by Anderson Cooper during Tuesday night's debate why he voted for the repeal of Glass-Steagall, asking for the audience to cut him some slack.

"Glass-Steagall was my very first vote. I just arrived, my dad died in office," Chafee said. "I had just arrived. I was appointed to the office. It was my very first vote."

"Are you saying you didn't know what you were voting for?" Cooper asked.

"I had just arrived in the Senate," Chafee said again. " I think we all get some takeovers."

"What does that say that you cast a vote about something you didn't know about?" Cooper asked.

"I think you are being a little rough, I just arrived at the United States Senate," Chafee once again said.

Published under: Debate