The beloved Oscar Meyer Wienermobile has given rise to a brand new hot dog conveyance machine. This one, however, is far more extreme.
The Wiener Rover is a new off-roading remote-controlled vehicle complete with heated wiener compartment which is traveling the nation spreading the gospel of Oscar Meyer. The rover is "about four hot dogs by eight hot dogs" in length and is built specifically for 4X4 action, Wired reports.
If you've like to know when the Wienermobile and it's extreme offspring the Wiener Mobile are coming to a town near you the @Wienermobile twitter account tweets out the hot dog loving vehicles various adventures around the United States.
A lot of people ask if we sleep in the #Wienermobile. We tell them no, "it's not a weeniebago"!
— Wienermobile (@Wienermobile) June 5, 2015