CNN analyst Philip Mudd warned Friday of future risk to national security because the president seeks to close Guantanamo Bay.
"Every time the government takes a step to go towards the president’s goal of closing Guantanamo, there's a risk to that," the former CIA official said.
Two former inmates at Guantanamo Bay were arrested in Belgium on terrorism charges. Officials said the pair was arrested for burglary in an attempt to raise money for a terrorist organization based out of Syria.
Mudd said approximately one-third of all terrorists released from U.S. prisons return back to the field, a recidivism rate comparable to violent crime domestically.
The White House has been working tirelessly to close Guantanamo Bay because of a campaign promise from then-Sen. Obama in 2008. Most notably, the president exchanged the Taliban Five for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. One of the Taliban Five reportedly has rejoined the fight against America.
"We’ve seen it Afghanistan. We’ve seen it in Iraq," Mudd said. "Now we see it in Europe."