Incarcerated Murderer Cashes Unemployment Checks

On the dole before parole

A convicted murderer in the Los Angeles County jail system was using family members to cash unemployment insurance benefit checks on his behalf and distribute the money to him and his fellow gang members, L.A. police said Monday.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Anthony Garcia had family and friends cashing his $1,600-per-month government assistance checks while he served time, said Capt. Mike Parker, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. His accomplices would then deposit a portion of the money into Garcia’s jail account. They also shared the cash with Garcia’s fellow incarcerated gang members.

The investigation spanned from October 2008 to March 2010. "Investigators determined that ... Garcia was having family members and friends fraudulently obtain and cash bi-weekly unemployment insurance benefit checks," Parker said in a statement. …

Parker said the unemployment money was being "used to benefit a criminal gang."


Published under: Unemployment