Nancy Pelosi Shut Down by Hamptons Restaurant This Weekend

Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi / AP
July 13, 2015

The extensive time spent by Bill and Hillary Clinton in the Hamptons has not won Democrats enough clout in the wealthy New York beach town to get House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) a dinner table.

Pelosi was turned away on Saturday night by Beautique, the "millionaire lair" that serves as the hotel restaurant in the Capri where Pelosi was staying, according to the New York Post.

Pelosi showed up at the Beautique without a reservation, and the tables were already taken by celebrities such as Howard Stern. The restaurant arranged for a meal to be sent to her hotel room where she ate, according to the report.

A representative for Pelosi told the Post that her security detail ate McDonalds for dinner and that only one staffer ate in the room.

Though Pelosi could not get into the restaurant, she was kept awake until 4 A.M. by the music that was enjoyed by the people who actually got in.

Published under: Nancy Pelosi