Hillary Clinton had the chance to show a more humble and honest side of herself in her CNN interview on Tuesday. She did not take the opportunity to do so, according to Jeff Zeleny.
"I was a little surprised—she did not give an inch, take an ounce of responsibility for anything that she has done that might contribute to this," Zeleny said.
Facing diving poll numbers on whether Americans believe she is honest and trustworthy, Clinton insisted she did not break any laws by using and then erasing the contents of a private email server and personal email account while serving as secretary of state.
"But there are Democrats in there that also have questions in this. It is clear to say she's not going to accept any responsibility," Zeleny said. "She's going to say this is all part of a Republican smear campaign."
Her dodge did not quell questions of her intentions in breaking the Federal Records Act of 2009 and merited the mockery of the media, including from the very reporter who interviewed her.