Toure: We Can't Blame The Clinton Inmates For Trying to Run Away from Prison

June 29, 2015

MSNBC host Touré said no one should blame escaped convicts David Sweat and Richard Matt for trying to run away from prison, saying Monday "that's what almost anybody would attempt to do in that situation."

Instead, The Cycle co-host felt all the blame lay with the workers at New York's Clinton Correctional Facility who assisted them in their successful attempt to flee.

"These guys did horrible things, right?" Touré said. "And they're horrible people. But we cannot blame them for trying to run away from prison, right? I think that's what almost anybody would attempt to do in that situation. The fault here ... really lies with the folks at the prison who were fraternizing, who were being complacent, doing the things that allowed them to acquire the tools and the information that allowed them to run away."

Matt was shot and killed Friday by law enforcement, and Sweat was shot and captured alive Friday after being spotted by a New York State police sergeant and trying to run. Both men were convicted killers.

Published under: Touré