Chicago 'Hog' on Trial

Democrat Faces Charges of Tax Evasion

ANCHOR: Does the name Bill Beavers ring a bell? The Cook County Commissioner indicted on charges of tax evasion. Bill Beavers who calls himself "the hog" because he dines on the taxpayer’s money. The reason he’s been indicted, he says, is that he refused to wear a wire to help the U.S. attorney catch a fellow commissioner. "No way," honked the hog, "I’m not a stool pigeon." That fellow commissioner is John Daley, former mayor Daley’s brother. The U.S. attorney going after a Daley would be a very big story, so I wonder if it’s true. I suspect is, or has been. I know for sure how the U.S. attorney gets information by threat, "Help me catch someone big, or I’ll catch you." So maybe he did ask the hog to wire up on Daley. If not, Mr. U.S. attorney, if you have no reason to go after a Daley, don’t you think the decent thing to do would be to say so?

Published under: Chicago