Obama Says He Was 'There Early' on Linsanity

President Obama said he was "there early" on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon this morning on the "B.S. Report," the podcast hosted by ESPN columnist and Grantland editor Bill Simmons:

BILL SIMMONS: So you’re catching up, obviously, on the fact that you had been surpassed as the most famous person who was a Harvard graduate.

OBAMA: Jeremy is—

BS: Jeremy Lin.

OBAMA: —doing good. And I knew about Jeremy before you did, or everybody else did, because Arne Duncan, my Secretary of Education, was captain of the Harvard team. And so way back when, Arne and I were playing and he said, I’m telling you, we’ve got this terrific guard named Jeremy Lin at Harvard. And then one of my best friends, his son is a freshman at Harvard, and so when he went for a recruiting trip he saw Lin in action. So I’ve been on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon for a while.

BS: Are you taking credit for "Linsanity"? It kind of feels like you are a little bit.

OBAMA: I can’t take credit for it, but I’m just saying I was there early.

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