Mary Landrieu Continues Struggling to Defend Campaign Charter Flights on Taxpayer Dime

December 2, 2014

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D., La.) has come under fire for improper use of taxpayer money for campaign flights including a short trip that cost $5,500.

Landrieu spoke with New Orleans CBS anchor Eric Paulsen to try and defend herself.

"If it were once, it would be understandable," Paulsen said. "A couple of times and people get suspicious."

Landrieu said she paid back the money, and the money was in the budget anyway.

Paulsen pointed out that Landrieu’s charter flights were billed to her Senate office rather than her campaign.

"It was a mistake," Landrieu said. "But it's not illegal. It was a mistake. It was a bookkeeping error. I solved it."

Published under: Mary Landrieu