J.J. Watt Signs $100M Contract, Still Lives in Relatively Modest House

4 bedrooms, 3 and a half baths at the end of a cul-de-sac

October 21, 2014

Houston Texans star defensive end J.J. Watt likely has more money than most of those profiled by MTV's Cribs, but it is unlikely he'll appear on the show any time soon.

That's because he still lives in a relatively modest four-bedroom Texas house, despite signing a contract that could be worth $100 million.

Watt's current home is a $400,000 4,000 square foot four bedroom, three-and-a-half bath house located in Pearland, sports blog Busted Coverage reported.

The house, while certainly nice, is well below the standards of most NFL stars slated to make $51.876 million over the next six years. But Watt says he's not motivated by money.

"Money doesn't motivate me--greatness does," Watt told the Houston Chronicle. "I'm so fortunate I don't have to worry about the money so I can focus on the greatness."

"If he remains in this house for at least another year it'll prove that this guy really is one of the most humble mega-athletes in sports," Busted Coverage said.

Published under: Football