War On Women: Dem Candidate Questions Female GOP Candidate's Work Credentials

Democrat Aaron Woolf insulted women during Wednesday’s debate for the U.S. House seat of New York’s 21st district.

Woolf launched his own 'War on Women' during the debate when he claimed Stefanik is a white-collar worker who just does paperwork.

"You've lived a very white collar life," Woolf said to Stefanik. "I don’t know if you have ever worked manually for a living like I have and I’m certain that [Green Party candidate Matt Funiciello] probably has-I don’t know if you can say something to a 49-year-old who’s working with their body-with their hands- it’s very different thing from sitting behind a desk and operating a computer."

According to her website, Stefanik runs sales, marketing, and management for her family company, Premium Plywood Products, Inc.

"You’re the only multi-millionaire running for this race," Stefanik said. "I’m very proud of my experience working for my family’s small business. We sell plywood."

A Harper poll published recently shows Stefanik leading by 8 points.

New York's 21st district seat is currently held by Rep. Bill Owens (D), who is retiring.