Calderon: US Border Should Be 'More Flexible'

September 16, 2014

Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon said the U.S. should adopt a more 'flexible' immigration policy in an interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes.

When asked about his response to the way Republicans "dug their heels" into the U.S. border, Calderon said he desired a system in which the U.S. and Central America adopted E.U.-style borders that allow for seasonal migrant laborers:

What is clear is that it's not working, that kind of policy. That law is not working. We need to fix that. Probably, what we can do is to establish some kind of mechanism that allows people, for instance, to work on a seasonal basis. A lot of people only want to work probably two or three months, either in the winter, or the landscapers in spring, or the crops in the summer, but they have the chance to provide hard work to the American society and economy and then go back to Mexico or Central America.

"So you think there should be a more fluid system?" Hayes asked.

"A flexible system could work much better, in that sense," Calderon said. "The current law is actually preventing the people not to come into the U.S., but going back, you know, to Central America."