Begich Pulls Ad Blaming Opponent for Rape, Murder

September 2, 2014

Alaska Sen. Mark Begich (D., Alaska) has decided to pull a controversial ad that blamed his Republican opponent for a chilling murder after the victim's family said that Begich had "crossed the boundaries of decency, honor, and compassion," the Washington Examiner reports.

The Begich ad blamed Republican opponent Dan Sullivan for the murder of an elderly couple and the rape of their two-year-old granddaughter.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on a cease-and-desist letter sent Monday by the family's lawyer asking Begich to remove the ad. The attorney said the ads could taint the jury or tarnish the criminal proceedings.

"You[r] campaign is playing pure politics at the expense of my clients, and frankly has done only what is in the best interests of ‘Mark Begich’ rather than protecting the victims of the most serious crime in Alaska history," the attorney, Bryon Collins, wrote. [...]

The letter included a plea from the family, who worry that the politicization of the crime could prevent justice from being served.

"The reason I want the ad down is because we do not want it to interfere with the trial," a family