Hillary Clinton’s Jobs Plan Sponsors Also Clinton Donors

Several corporations—including JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, and Courtyard Marriott—are sponsoring Hillary Clinton’s initiative to train and hire unemployed young Americans. Many of these corporations happen to be former donors to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Washington Times reports.

Long before getting behind Mrs. Clinton’s latest public service effort, all three companies enriched Mr. Clinton with six-figure speaking fees that turned the 1990s Arkansas middle-class family into millionaires on the strength of his gilded tongue. Some of the companies were also gracious sponsors to the former president’s Clinton Global Initiative foundation that provides him his day job in retirement from the White House.

The episode is the latest example of how the Clintons have intertwined their public service and private gain, often tapping the same sources for money that benefit them politically, personally and charitably. That exclusive club of philanthropic and corporate interests also likely will be at the top of the list of companies seeking favor should Mrs. Clinton run for and win the White House.