John Boehner has released a series of clips from the recent House hearings with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, saying they show that Koskinen has been "thumbing his nose at the American people."
In the video, titled "Arrogance run amok", Koskinen snaps at committee members, and various TV anchors reviewing Koskinen's performance in the hearings describe him as "ornery", "slippery", "incompetent," and "arrogant."
Throughout the hearings, Koskinen assumed a defiant posture as he insisted he does not even remember who told him Lois Lerner's emails were missing.
"As this video shows (clips edited for brevity)," Boehner said in an accompanying statement, "he’s demonstrated remarkable arrogance, thumbing his nose at the American people who deserve answers, not outright disrespect."
Boehner criticized the IRS for "spinning excuse after excuse" and said, "If you were hoping for some remorse and maybe an apology from one of the most power federal agencies in Washington, don’t hold your breath."