Ellison Barber on Congressional Approval Sinking to Record Lows

The Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber appeared on Fox News’ Real Story to discuss Congress’ record low poll numbers.

Barber cited the "hypocrisy" behind the IRS lost Lois Lerner email scandal as reason for Americans’ distrust in Congress. "It’s what is resonating with people and what’s frustrating to people," she told host Jenna Lee.

Hill staffers agree that the IRS scandal is now in the hands of the Department of Justice, she explained. They have sent Eric Holder a formal criminal complaint stating the three criminal things Lerner has done. They say they have done all of Eric Holder’s work for him and the responsibility now lies with the Department of Justice to prosecute Lois Lerner.

Barber said there are definite factors over the past months that "consistently and repeatedly erode the trust of the American public." She predicted that in the months to come, Congress members will continue to poll poorly.

Published under: Congress , Ellison Barber