Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas) slammed IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Friday saying, "Why should anyone believe you?" and argued, "This is the most corrupt and deceitful IRS in the history [of the U.S.]."
"You have not provided us any information. In fact, we didn't learn until last week, and then this week that you have supposedly lost e-mails, not just from Ms. Lerner but from other persons of interest," Brady said Friday at a House Ways and Means hearing.
Earlier this week, the IRS claimed to have lost two years worth of emails between former IRS official Lois Lerner, who resigned under pressure for her role in the IRS targeting scandal, and outside agencies and groups.
Koskinen responded, "There is no evidence that any of those emails have been lost either."
"Mr. Commissioner, why at this point, why should anyone believe you? The IRS denied for two years targeting of Americans based on their political beliefs, that wasn't the truth. They said it was a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, That wasn't the truth. You said you were targeting a liberal organizations, that wasn’t the truth," Brady continued.