Koch bros, employees threatened in emails

February 17, 2012

Republican financier Charles Koch revealed Friday that he and his brother David, as well as his employees, have been receiving scores of death threats and "obscenity-laced hate messages" from far left critics, The Wichita Eagle reports.

The paper published a small dose of the vitriolic missives:

"We are under attack from various directions, both with threats of violence against us personally, and with threats of attacks on our businesses," Charles Koch said Thursday, in a phone interview from his office in Wichita.

Koch, the billionaire head of Koch Industries, rarely gives interviews, especially about the various political causes that he and his brother David support. The privately held company rarely releases information about its activities.

On Thursday, Charles Koch authorized employees to reveal the contents of hundreds of e-mails that the Kochs and employees have received in the last year, some of them containing death threats. "I hope you all DIE," one e-mail, received last year, said. "You people are ruining our country, and all for $$$." "Choose your expiration Date, Brothers…" said another. "The Koch brothers will DIE!!!!!" said another


Published under: Koch Brothers