Punch-Out!!: Warner VS. Warner on Balanced Budget Amendment

Gillespie campaign throws Warner’s views into the boxing ring together, NES style

The campaign for Ed Gillespie is out with a new video on Monday aiming to portray Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) as a flip-flopper on the idea of a balanced budget amendment by setting his views on the issue against each other in the classic NES Punch Out arena.

The campaign points out that Warner said he was for a balanced budget amendment when he first ran for Congress but then said during his third year in office that he does not think an amendment would "gets us where we need to be."

Gillespie says that he would take charge on the fight for a balanced budget amendment.

" If I’m our senator, I won’t just vote for a balanced budget amendment, I will introduce one," said Gillespie in an accompanying statement. "Because it’s time we stopped spending money that we just don’t have."