Is There Anything Better than the Taiwanese Animation Version of Alec Baldwin's Arrest?

May 15, 2014

No. No there isn't.

The brilliant writers at Taiwan’s Next Animation Studio have made a name for themselves by creating animated YouTube videos of political and pop culture news stories from America.  They've lampooned Al Gore's massage grope controversy, Tiger Woods' multiple extramarital affairs, and the JetBlue flight attendant meltdown.

Now, they've turned their sites on Baldwin's embarrassing arrest earlier this week for bicycling the wrong way down a one way street, and then subsequently mouthing off to New York's finest.

In the Taiwanese Animation video, Baldwin is seen riding a little girl's pink bike. Baldwin is also seen being mocked at the police department during his arrest and then returning to his apartment to engage in a Twitter rant.

The narrator concludes by suggesting Baldwin move to Taiwan "where traffic rules are more like traffic suggestions."

The New York Daily News reports that Baldwin actually likes the animated depiction of the incident since he retweeted a link to the video.

Published under: Alec Baldwin