Boehner: Benghazi Select Committee ‘The Right Choice’

Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) on Thursday made the case for a special select committee to investigate the September 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

Speaking on the House floor, Boehner thanked the four separate House panels that had investigated the matter. But he said that "one select committee" should investigate the matter after the White House "defied" a congressional subpoena and withheld information from congressional committees.

"This doesn’t need to be, shouldn’t be, and will not be a partisan process.  Four Americans died at the hands of terrorists in a well-coordinated assault. And we will not take any shortcuts to the truth, accountability, or justice.  And we will not allow any sideshows that distract us from those goals," Boehner said.

"Our system of government depends on transparency and accountability.  Either we do this well or we face the terrifying prospect of our people having less knowledge and less power over their own government.  And we owe it to future generations to make the right choice," Boehner added.

The House voted 232-186 to approve the panel. The vote breakdown was 225 Republicans and 7 Democrats in favor, with 186 Democrats voting against the measure.

Published under: Benghazi , John Boehner