Nile Crocodile Terrorizes California Mall

Customers flock to TJ Maxx everyday on the hunt for a good bargain, but they got the surprise of a lifetime on Wednesday when they discovered that a fellow TJ Maxx patron was also on the hunt- for them!

According to reports, someone left a four foot crocodile at the TJ Maxx plaza in Roseville, California, in its container with a note that identified the animal as a Nile crocodile and advised whoever found him to "call rescue." The cunning crocodile managed to escape from its cage and was found making the rounds outside the retail store.

A police officer who assisted in capturing the reptile described it as "really, really vicious."

The animal was later apprehended by an animal control officer and placed him in a Fish & Wildlife education organization.

A Roseville Public Safety Facebook post advised, "If it’s really a Nile croc, it could grow to a length of 20 feet–not only illegal to own, but a really bad idea for a pet."

Published under: California