McConnell to IRS: Leave the First Amendment Alone

February 27, 2014

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R., KY) addressed the IRS' targeting of conservative groups and pending Iran sanctions legislation in his opening statement on the Senate floor Thursday.

McConnell demanded that the IRS not impose a rule denying tax-exempt status to political groups.

"Left, Right, or Center — folks understand what a threat this rule poses to our most cherished of civil liberties," McConnell said.

McConnell’s comments come on the last day for the public to comment on the proposed rule change that would limit political activity of groups seeking tax-exempt status.

"People are making their voices heard, loudly and the message they’re broadcasting is pretty clear: ‘Leave the First Amendment alone,’" McConnell added.

McConnell later attacked Sen. Harry Reid (D., NV) for blocking a vote regarding proposed new sanctions on Iran, which a broad bipartisan majority in the Senate would support.

Published under: Mitch McConnell