Craig Patrick, a local newsman from WTVT-FL took to the air to show what a mess Obamacare has become.
In a video montage, Patrick explains to viewers how Obamacare has failed.
The montage begins by playing a clip of Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D., Md.) making the glaring admission, "I think it’s [Obamacare] is very confusing."
Then he points to the Obama administration’s embarrassing attempts to sell Obamacare: the pajama boy ad and Obama’s confusing speeches.
Vice President Joe Biden has not had much luck successfully selling Obamacare to Americans, hardly defending problems associated with the poor launch of the website.
Obamacare has lawmakers stumped, too. Many are not able to explain basic talking points about the President’s signature piece of legislation.
(h/t Right Scoop)