KRYSTAL BALL: Let’s be clear. This is not about religious freedom. Religious freedom does not mean your employer gets to impose their religious beliefs on you. That's not what this is about. And in fact, health insurers know it’s far cheaper to pay for birth control than it is to pay for abortions or pregnancies. So this is basically a costless thing. So what Paul Ryan is saying doesn’t make any sense. And there's another element to this, too. The Republicans have a very dispirited base that is not enthusiastic, and this is one of the ways that they gin up their base, keep the working class and middle class folks who are voting against their own self-interest economically with the republican party. They use this as a culture war tribal chip to keep them in the party, frankly.
Dem 'Strategist': 'Tribal' Bitter Clingers Behind Contraception Fight
February 14, 2012