Six Killed, 45 Wounded in Tripoli Clashes: Libyan TV

November 15, 2013

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Six people were killed and 45 wounded, 15 critically, in clashes between militiamen and armed residents in Libya’s capital Tripoli on Friday, state television said.

Fighting started when militiamen opened fire on hundreds of protesters demanding their eviction from the capital after they had repeatedly fought with other armed factions.

A Reuters reporter saw an anti-aircraft cannon firing from the militia compound into the crowd. The protesters first fled but came back heavily armed to storm the gated buildings, where militiamen when were holed up until nightfall.

Dozens of army trucks later arrived trying to separate the crowds and militiamen in the compound, sealing off roads to prevent more armed people joining the battle.

(Reporting by Feras Bosalum, Ulf Laessing and Ghaith Shennib; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Published under: Libya