Democratic party operatives are wasting no time mustering their fundraising clout following President Obama’s recent embrace of Super PACs, writes Peter Stone of the Center for Public Integrity.
Five Democratic "super" political action committees are reaching out to party mega-donors seeking $1 million to $10 million contributions, now that President Barack Obama has blessed the outside spending group working to get him re-elected.
Discussions among the five super PACs are under way about setting up a joint fundraising committee, said Bill Burton, a former deputy White House press secretary and co-founder of Priorities USA Action, which was launched last spring to help Obama win a second term.
"We're in serious talks," Burton told iWatch News of the Center for Public Integrity, but he added that a final decision hasn't been made about establishing a joint fundraising mechanism. Either way, "there are a lot of people in the progressive donor community who have not yet gotten involved who are likely to be involved."