The Latest

This Republican Will Bring Much-Needed Diversity to the Senate 

Marginalized for far too long, attractive young women are finally getting the representation they deserve

June 22, 2022

Supreme Court Blocks Alabama Democrats' Gerrymandered Map

Court shows willingness to block civil rights challenges to new district lines nationwide

February 8, 2022

Pro-Abortion Democrat: I've Reflected Alabama Values

Called pro-life legislation 'shameful'

December 16, 2019

Supremes Decline Anti-Dismemberment Law

Thomas: ‘Our abortion jurisprudence has spiraled out of control’

June 28, 2019

Roy Moore Trailing in Latest Alabama Senate Poll

65 percent of GOP primary voters disapprove of Moore

June 26, 2019

Cotton Denounces Corporate Activism on Abortion

'The cause of life is one of those issues worth fighting for'

June 19, 2019