Dem Rep: Communism Works!

Joe Garcia: ‘We’ve proved that communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there is no crime.'

Rep. Joe Garcia (D., Fla.) suggested "communism works" while discussing the U.S.-Mexico border and the amount of money and federal government jobs that are offered in border towns such as El Paso, Texas.

"The safest city in America is El Paso, Texas. It happens to be across the border from the most dangerous city in the America’s, which is Juarez. Right?" Garcia asked a Google Hangout participant.

"Two of the safest cities in America are on the border with Mexico. Of course, the reason is we’ve proved that communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there is no crime," Garcia said.

It should be noted that Rep. Garcia has had a rough two weeks. Last week, he was exposed for eating his own ear wax.

(h/t AR)

Published under: Communist Party