Chris Matthews Caught Ogling Melania Trump on Hot Mic

Chris and Kathleen Matthews / AP
May 4, 2016

MSNBC host Chris Matthews was caught on a hot mic ogling Donald Trump's wife Melania during the network's primary night coverage Tuesday.

Hosts Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow were talking about Trump's victory in Indiana on Tuesday evening, while in the background, Matthews could be heard talking to an unknown person.

Variety posted the story on their website and mentioned some of Matthews' other sexist moments:

"Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God is that good," Matthews said.

It appeared that the 70-year-old "Hardball" host wasn’t aware his comments were being broadcast. "I could watch that runway show," he added.

Brian Williams, who was co-anchoring the coverage of Trump’s victory, quickly cut to a commercial break. MNSBC declined to comment to Variety about the incident.

Matthews and his wife, Kathleen Matthews, have had a hard time recently. On April 26, Kathleen Matthews came in third place in Maryland's 8th Congressional District's Democratic Primary. Chris Matthews has had many guests on his show, Hardball, who have donated to his wife's campaign.

Published under: Chris Matthews