Army, Air Force Help Construct MRAP Adorned With ‘Zeus’ Laser and Robotic Arm

/ U.S. Army
July 7, 2015

The Air Force has developed a mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle complete with a 3-kilowatt laser and robotic arm and claw to clear airways of unexploded bombs, the Army Times reported.

The advanced MRAP, called a Recovery of Airbase Denied by Ordnance (RADBO) vehicle, has undergone testing and alterations with the help of Army officials at Alabama's Redstone Arsenal.

Fifteen of its kind could receive finishing touches as soon as early fiscal year 2017.

From the Army Times:

"The RADBO's Zeus III laser allows the operator to trigger an unexploded bomb from up to 300 meters away, said Air Force Col. Jeffry Gates, senior materiel leader for the support element and vehicles division at the Air Force's Agile Combat Support Directorate. The attached Interrogation Arm/claw combo can clear up to 50 pounds of debris, according to an Army release, helping speed the process. The 15-vehicle procurement, plus research and development costs, comes to $42 million, Gates said."

While specifically designed to clear bombs, the vehicles could eventually be employed for other uses, according to program officials.

Published under: Air Force