The Latest

O'Rourke Supports Mandatory Gun Buyback Program

Says it's 'not politically easy'

August 15, 2019

White House Asks Gun-Rights Leader for Input on Shooting Response

'They wanted to address the problems of violence in our society and at the same time protecting Second Amendment rights'

August 8, 2019

Warren: I Would Eliminate the Filibuster and Use Executive Action to Address Gun Issue

'We get rid of the filibuster and go with the majority vote'

August 5, 2019

Florida AG Attempts to Block ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban From Ballot

'Voters will not be able to understand the true meaning and ramifications of the proposed amendment'

August 1, 2019

More Than 1,200 Illinois Gun Dealers Yet to Apply for New License

Firearm Dealer License Certification Act takes effect Wednesday

Virginia Special Session Ends Without New Gun Laws

NRA, VCDL applaud while Everytown, Democrats fume

July 10, 2019
Gov. Ralph Northam

Va. Governor Calls for Special Gun-Control Session

ATF says it can't release info on shooter's silencer

June 5, 2019

NRA: Supreme Court Should Move Forward on Gun Case Despite NYC Attempt to Undercut Suit

'The city's attempt to slightly modify its unconstitutional law is a nakedly transparent delay tactic'

April 23, 2019