Fifty-eight percent of American voters would vote to repeal Obamacare, according to a new Fox News poll.
The poll also found that a majority of those polled are "at least somewhat bothered" by Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber’s comments regarding a lack of transparency and the "stupidity of the American voter" contributing to the passing of the law.
Americans were lied to about the law, people are most likely to think President Obama (37 percent) or his administration (16 percent) is responsible for that. Another 32 percent blame Congress and 15 percent are unsure.
By a narrow 49-43 percent margin, voters think Gruber’s comments prove the administration intentionally lied about the law. That includes 26 percent of Democrats. Twice as many independents (54 percent) and nearly three times as many Republicans (72 percent) believe Gruber’s comments prove the White House lied.
Additionally, 28 percent of those polled say they are worse off due to Obamacare.