The Latest

Vice Presidential Hopeful Val Demings Lauds 'Very Thoughtful' Plan to Dismantle Police

Demings praised the Minneapolis City Council as it grapples with how to disband the city’s police department

June 8, 2020

Bloomberg Pivots to Attacking NRA When Asked About Stop-and-Frisk

2020 hopeful follows pattern of liberals pivoting to gun control in tight spots

December 6, 2019

Kroft on Interviewing Obama: 'I Don't Think It Was a Matter of Pushing Hard'

Retiring '60 Minutes' correspondent boasted about being 'go-to' journalist for Obama

September 9, 2019

Media Thrashes Mueller Hearing as 'Boring,' 'Uninspired,' 'Disaster'

MSNBC host: 'Shame' on Mueller's staffers for allowing that performance

July 25, 2019

CBS Host: Obama Presidency Had 'No Scandal'

King to Michelle Obama: 'Do you have any idea how much you are missed?'

July 8, 2019

Gayle King Puts Dem Friendships Over Journalism

'Even at the expense of my job, I would never betray a friendship'

June 11, 2019