President Obama's rationale when appointing ambassadors is disconcerting, ABC News' Jon Karl reports.
The President favors cash over competence when picking individuals to represent our nation abroad.
His pick to be Ambassador of Argentina has never set foot in the South American country.
Iceland and Norway's picks have never visited their respective countries either.
The President's pick for Hungary's ambassador is a seasoned soap opera producer, but lacked basic knowledge about the country when questioned by Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.)
The nominees have all raised more than $500,000 for the Obama reelection campaign, a clear indicator that the President favors cash over competence.
About one third of President Obama's appointments are comprised of political supporters, most of them huge donors.
Karl recently asked White House press secretary Jay Carney about President Obama's odd appointments at the White House briefing.
Carney made a weak attempt to explain the reasoning behind the President's picks, telling him, "Look, the President takes an approach where he finds qualified nominees for these posts from a variety of walks of life."
The Ambassador to France post is currently vacant. Critics are wondering and worrying which big spender the President will appoint next.