Obama Cozies Up to Labor

February 17, 2012

President Obama, in between swanky fundraising events, will make an appearance at a unionized factory that was recently at the epicenter of a big labor blowout.  The Wall Street Journal reports:

On Friday, as part of a three-state, three-day trip mostly focused on re-election fund raising, the president is set to visit the unionized Boeing plant in Everett, Wash., at the center of the battle, a move the labor movement is interpreting as a sign of support for its cause.

Mr. Obama began his trip at a Milwaukee plant where workers are members of the United Auto Workers. After shying away in the past from rhetoric championing unions, Mr. Obama is increasingly taking a pro-labor stance amid an election-year fight between the two parties over how much of a role the government and unions should play in revitalizing economy.