Free Beacon Videos

Scalia Blasts Critics of Court

'I couldn't care less who the president is'

September 18, 2012

New Romney Ad: 'Prairie Fire'

'Rather than putting out that spending fire, President Obama has been feeding it'

September 18, 2012

New Ad Calls for Cutting U.S. Aid to Egypt

'You sent them $1.5 billion of our taxpayer dollars? Why, Mr. President, why?'

September 17, 2012

It's Classified

Obama campaign says secret info disproves Libya attack was an act of terror

September 17, 2012

Beirut Protesters: 'Death to America'

Hezbollah leader makes rare public appearance at protests

September 17, 2012

Susan Rice: 'We're Not Impotent'

U.N. ambassador: 'I don't know on what basis you make that judgment' that we're less popular than four years

September 17, 2012

McCain: Benghazi attack was an act of terror

'Most people don't bring rocket-propelled grenades and heavy weapons to a demonstration'

September 16, 2012

Fires at U.S. Embassy, American School in Tunis

Protesters set U.S. Embassy, American school ablaze

September 14, 2012

What Does Jeffrey Katzenberg Want?

No get out of jail free card for Priorities USA donor

September 14, 2012