Suspect #1 Dead, Suspect #2 Subject of Massive Manhunt in Watertown, Mass.
Suspects Chechen brothers, MIT officer killed overnight
April 19, 2013
Murphy: GOP Has Made It Clear They Are 'Gun Control Darwinists'
'I guess I appreciate the honesty of the Republican caucus'
April 17, 2013
Gen. Amos: Marines Can't Fight One Major War If Sequestration Implemented
'There's really not a lot of slack'
April 17, 2013
MSNBC Contributor Claims Bush Disappeared in Weeks After 9/11 Attacks
Later clarifies on Twitter she meant 'days, not weeks'
April 16, 2013
Commander Says U.S. Troops Should Remain In Afghanistan
Dunford: 'Having no forces and no presence post-2014, in my mind, would undermine our campaign success'
April 16, 2013
Wolf Blitzer: Who Knows if Patriots' Day Had Anything to do With Explosions?
'We don't want to overly speculate on what happened'
April 15, 2013