Labrador to Matthews: When Tip O'Neill Shut Down the Government You Didn't Call Him a 'Terrorist'
Idaho Rep. calls out MSNBC host's hypocrisy
September 30, 2013
Woodward: If Shutdown or Debt Ceiling Causes Economic Crisis, It's on the 'President's Head'
'It's on the president's head, he's got to lead he's got to talk. And the absence of discussion here is a baffling element'
September 30, 2013
Kristol Blasts Granholm for Suggesting Iran and Syria Are Acting 'More Rationally' Than House GOP
Kristol: 'Do you really want to take that position, that the Iranian Republican Guard is more rational than the House Republicans?'
September 29, 2013
Bolton: UN Resolution on Syrian Weapons 'Simply A Continuation' of Geneva Agreement
'I think the real victory is with Assad and the Russians'
September 27, 2013
Federal Stimulus Funds Paid For Trees In Wealthy Neighborhoods
$600,000 in federal stimulus used to plant trees
September 27, 2013
Despite Assurances, Middle Income Americans Could See Costs Soar Under Obamacare
Manhattan Institute: Obama administration 'cherry picking' data
September 27, 2013