The Latest

Fire Michael Schill

The Northwestern University president disgraces himself—and his institution—before Congress

Congress Probes Northwestern’s Partnership With Al Jazeera

Partnership could violate anti-terrorism laws

May 21, 2024

Northwestern Professors Encourage Students To Skip Class To Join Anti-Israel Encampment

Campus administrators and police have warned trespassers would be arrested as encampment grows

April 26, 2024

Northwestern Investigates Flyer Targeting Jewish Community Center

Flyer calling on university to end relationship with Hillel may have violated anti-harassment policies

April 22, 2024

Northwestern University Dean of Students Attends Protest Targeting Campus Jewish Community Center

Dean of Students Mona Dugo at rally where protesters said school 'weaponizes anti-Semitism to silence pro-Palestinian activism'

April 19, 2024

Congressional Investigators 'Very Concerned' About Soaring Anti-Semitism at Northwestern

Jewish students have faced 'intimidation, bigotry, vandalism, and other alleged hate crimes' in wake of Hamas terror attack

March 8, 2024

Jewish Students at Northwestern Petition Congress To Launch Anti-Semitism Probe

Complaint says school has failed to stem wave of 'intimidation, bigotry, vandalism, and other alleged hate crimes' against Jews

March 1, 2024