The anti-coal House Majority PAC is out with a new ad hitting West Virginia GOP Congressional candidate Evan Jenkins for receiving donations from Massey Energy executives.
Jenkins is locked in a fierce contest with 19 term incumbent Rep. Nick Rahall (D., W. Va.). Rahall is reportedly trailing by double digits.
The firm mentioned in the ad owned the Upper Big Branch coal mine which in 2010 endured a massive explosion that resulted in 29 deaths. House Majority PAC clumsily attempted to tie Jenkins to the disaster, saying that executives of Massey energy contributed to his campaign along with a headline reading "Deadly Blasts Rock Mine."
However, it seems House Majority PAC should have done their homework a little more closely before throwing rocks over Massey Energy. Financial disclosure records reveal Nick Rahall himself held corporate bond investments in Massey Energy. He liquidated his holdings after the 2010 incident. Alpha Natural Resources, the company that bought Massey after the explosion, has donated thousands to Rahall.