'Remarkable' That Dem Leaders Got Keystone Vote for Landrieu 'Only to Pull Rug From Under Her'

November 18, 2014

Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D., La.) farfetched hopes for reelection grew even worse Tuesday night when the Senate voted against the Keystone XL Pipeline bill 41-59.

Even if the bill had passed, the odds of her winning Louisiana’s December runoff election were already low.

National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar noted the irony of Senate Democrats’ efforts to pass a bill that was blocked thanks to one of their own.

"It's remarkable the great lengths the democratic leadership took to get her the vote," Kraushaar said, "and only be one democratic senator short achievement she wanted to use for reelection campaign."

"The fact they went to get the vote and pull the rug from her last minute getting one vote short," Kraushaar said, "It’s got to be a big blow not just to her legislatively but I don't see how she can win that runoff election in a few weeks."


Published under: Keystone XL